
Friday 14 October 2011

Preliminary task preparation

For our Preliminary task we have made a few idea videos and photos of locations and shots we could use. The task is;
Show character A entering a room from a corridor and opening a door. Inside the room Character B is sitting down. Without saying anything A gives a piece of paper to B. B reads it and reacts. A displays some kind of emotion and leaves.

We have chosen to keep it horror themed, we are still currently discussing ideas and story boarding. However the following videos are ideas we have had.
This video was using the polarize effect to possibly induce a scary effect in the video.

This is a recording of the schools alarm sound, the idea is that once A is leaving B begins to chase, the alarm could possibly then be used.

We experimented with a Point of view shot when opening the door to add suspense and tension. Placing the audience in the Emma's position.

The low Angle Canted shot is going to be used to help show the fear Emma will feel when confronting Catherine.

In this long shot, Emma walks down the corridor and is startled when the lights begin to flicker. We hope to shoot this at night to add to the effect.

In this shot we used the pause to create a quick continuous edit of Emma walk and turning into the next shot. (note scary dancing)

This shot is similar to the one above except we experimented with using the location and changing to our will. Emma walks to the right, which in the school leads to an art room opposite to that in the shot, but we exploit that change of direction to appear at the other art room which contains a dark room.

The above three pictures are of other places we are considering filming for this task.

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